
Wednesday 14 April 2021

Jonah end of the Term Reflection

 Today I did a end of the term Reflection activity. For this activity I had to rate out of 5 am I consistently organised for learning. Something I found easy was the Rate yourself activity, the hardest one I did was the Attitude/Behavior activity because I had to think what my attitude to going to school is.

Here is my activity below, how did your Term 1 go?

Monday 12 April 2021

Jonah The Myth of Tūmatauenga

Today I did slides about the Māori myth of  Tūmatauenga, honestly I found nothing hard and I found everything easy, anyways here is my activity down below!

Sunday 11 April 2021

Jonah Tag Tournament

On Friday the 26th of March the year 7's 6's and 5's went to the War memorial park at Dunkirk to go to a Tag Tournament (We went on a bus). When we we got there all the schools were already there were Pamure District School, Parnell School, Sylvia Park and St Pius X School (Our School).

When we got there we needed some shorts for our tags to stick on so we set up our tent, put all our stuff away and grabbed some shorts.

The first team we played was our school, because before school we got split up into two teams  (Team A vs Team B), Team A was the team I was in, Team B played very well and they had a fast person in their team (Taniela) and we had one to (Sione), but fortunately the scores were 2 - 1 (2 to Team A and 1 to Team B).

Following after the match between Team B, we played was Sylvia Park, when we were playing Sylvia park it was very tiring especially because whenever they had the ball they were very VERY good at shaking their hips so we wont rip their tags, unfortunately we still lost, the scores were 6 - 0.

When we played the 3rd match it wasn't a tag match, it was a relay race. My teacher (Miss Nees-Kairua) picked 3 people to be in the relay race Taniela, Sione and someone else that I forgot, the saddest part was some of the teachers raced in the relay race and they won it (Not Fair).

After the relay race Team A played Pamure District School they were very good because they won against us and I failed to recall the scores for this game.

And finally the last School we played was Parnell School, the Parnell School were good but not as good as Sylvia Park and Pamure District, they were still good and we won that round I think it was 2 - 1. At the bottom are a picture of the rules and some of the pictures of us from the games! 


Wednesday 7 April 2021

Jonah Cybersmart #9

Today in class I did another cybersmart challenge (Challenge 9). For this challenge I had to make a copy of a drawing and then I had to match which numbers go together, example I had to match which number does the USB-C Power Connector (Number 1) and then I had to take a picture of me charging my netbook and use a text box to describe how I was charging my netbook.

Something I found hard about this cybersmart challenge was matching the numbers because I got confused a little bit, and the rest I found easy.

Here is my activity down below.

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Jonah What is statistics?

Today for maths I watched a videos about Bar graph statistics and I did a drawing a put the key words in it, I found nothing really hard because everything was easy, Here is my activity and the videos down below.